Terms and Conditions Page


Art. 1

1. These general regulations regulate the conditions concerning the organization, provision and participation in professional educational courses and trainings organized by the provider and organizer of the Therapist s. r. o., registered office Lužická 5, 811 08 Bratislava – mestská časť Staré Mesto, IČO: 53 172 345, DIČ: 2121331212, entry in the Commercial Register of the District Court Bratislava I, section: Sro, file no. 147557 / B (hereinafter referred to as the “Organizer”), in particular the manner, scope and conditions for the provision and organization of vocational training courses and training, pre-contractual relations, contractual conditions, including withdrawal conditions, participation in courses and trainings and personal data protection.

2. Courses and trainings organized and provided by the Organizer are intended and available to all natural persons, natural persons – entrepreneurs and legal entities and their employees and representatives established in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Civil Code, Commercial Code and Labor Code, including the provisions of applicable EU law and international law.

3. In the case of a natural person – consumer, the provisions of these regulations, which would represent unacceptable contractual conditions, disproportionate interference with the rights of the consumer, resp. which would result in a threat to the position of the consumer as a weaker party in contractual relations, or which would be in conflict with the mandatory Slovak and European regulations on the protection of consumer rights. The provisions of these regulations are not intended to exclude or limit the protection of consumer rights. In case of any doubts about the provisions of these regulations in relation to the consumer, their content will be interpreted in accordance with the consumer protection legislation as a weaker party, within the Slovak, European and international consumer legislation.

4. Courses and trainings are organized in the thematic areas and dates listed on the Organizer’s website https://skolaosteopatie.sk/, which also contains all the necessary information regarding the facts for whom the individual courses are intended and the conditions for registering for the courses and training, including course or training conditions.


1. Regulations – means this document.
2. Organizer – means a business company duly registered in the relevant Business Register, operating under the trade name Therapist s. r. o., registered office Lužická 5, 811 08 Bratislava – mestská časť Staré Mesto, entry in the Commercial Register of the District Court Bratislava I, section: Sro, file no. 147557 / B, IČO: 53 172 345, DIČ: 2121331212, email: info@skolaosteopatie.sk, which is authorized to provide the services specified in these regulations within the scope of its activities.
3. Course / training – any training service provided and carried out by the Organizer for their participants in person or online (hereinafter referred to as “course” or “course / training”).
4. Client – natural person – consumer, natural person – entrepreneur, legal entity or organizational unit who has decided to register himself or an authorized person / persons to attend the course.
5. Participant – a person who has volunteered for a course / training or a person registered by the Client to participate in a course / training organized by the Organizer and who is primarily, but not limited to: physiotherapist (BA or MA), physiotherapy student, doctor, osteopath, student osteopathy or masseur.
6. Registration – the fact that the Client / participant submitted an electronically correctly completed application / application form to the Organizer’s contact mail: info@skolaosteopatie.sk. The application is a formal obligation of the Client / participant to participate in the course / training and pay a fee for its completion under the conditions set out in these regulations. The request to participate (application for the course / training) is a pre-contractual fact of the Service Agreement, by which the Client / participant of the course / training has expressed a serious interest in completing the course / training and concluding the Service Agreement.
7. Application – a written document filled in and submitted online at https://skolaosteopatie.sk/. By successfully sending the application, the Client / participant also confirms acquaintance with the provisions of these regulations and their understanding.
8. Contract for the provision of services (hereinafter referred to as the “Contract”) – represents the legal regulation of mutual rights and obligations of the contracting parties, namely the Organizer and the Client / participant who have agreed to conclude it on the basis of provisions under these regulations. The Contract regulates the Organizer’s obligation to ensure the organization and provision of the course / training and the Client’s / participant’s right to complete such a course / training and its obligation to pay the agreed fee / course price for it.
Civil Code – Act no. 40/1964 Coll.
Commercial Code – Act no. 513/1991 Coll.
Labor Code – Act no. 311/2001 Coll.
Civil dispute order – Act no. 160/2015 Coll.
Consumer Protection Act – Act no. 250/2007 Coll. on consumer protection and on the amendment of the Act of the Slovak National Council no. 372/1990 Coll. on offenses as amended
Act on consumer protection in the sale of goods or provision of services on the basis of a contract concluded at a distance – Act no. 102/2014 Coll. on consumer protection in the sale of goods or provision of services on the basis of a contract concluded at a distance or a contract concluded outside the premises of the seller and on the amendment of certain laws
EU law – European legal norms in the form of regulations, directives and recommendations valid for EU member states
GDPR – Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data and repealing Directive 95/46 / EC (General Data Protection Regulation) – abbreviated General Data Protection Regulation
International law – legal norms (treaties, conventions, resolutions) governing international legal relations

Art. 4


1. For the organization and management of the course (or for its readiness) the Organizer is entitled to the remuneration specified in the description of the course and in the Contract for the provision of services (hereinafter referred to as the “price”).

2. The course price is due no later than 14 days before the course date, unless the parties, the Organizer and the Client / Participant agree otherwise (eg in the case of concluding a contract less than 21 days before the course date). The price for the course is paid on the day of its crediting in full to the bank account of the Organizer.

3. The condition for the Participant’s participation in the course and its completion is the proper and timely payment of the entire course price.

4. The prices of the courses are listed on the Organizer’s website / Facebook in euros. The prices are stated gross, binding at the time of concluding the Contract.

5. The price of the course is payable in 2 installments:

• 150 EUR deposit in advance for participants – necessary to confirm receipt of application for participation in the course, respectively. EUR 150 deposit in advance for customers – necessary to confirm the acceptance of the application for participation in the course for each registered participant.

• balance of the course price (course price reduced by the deposit) – due no later than 14 days before the course start date, unless the contracting parties, the Organizer and the Client / participant agree otherwise (eg in case of concluding the Contract less than 21 days before the course date) .

6. The price of the course can also be paid in a lump sum. Any changes concerning the maturity of the exchange rate, resp. its installments, in terms of number and amount, are subject to the consent of the Organizer granted before the conclusion of the Contract for the provision of services.

7. At the request of the Client / participant, the Organizer may agree to another method of payment for the course than specified in the regulations. This fact shall be agreed by the parties in writing by e-mail.

8. Failure to pay the balance of the course price by the Client / participant results in the impossibility of his participation in the course. In such a case, the Organizer is entitled to keep the deposit paid. In the case of the Customer, who is a natural consumer, the provisions of the relevant regulations in the field of consumer rights protection will be followed, in particular the Civil Code, the Consumer Protection Act and the Consumer Protection Act when selling goods or providing services under a distance contract.

9. The Client / participant authorizes the Organizer to issue a cash receipt or invoice electronically, without a handwritten signature.

10. The organizer undertakes to issue a cash receipt / invoice with the date of crediting the payment and the customer / participant agrees to receive the cash receipt / invoice in electronic form (pdf).

11. The price of the course includes: participation in the course, training materials, diploma of completion of the course and use of property provided by the Organizer (eg tables), in the case of full-time rent for the premises in which the course is conducted.

Art. 5


1. Failure to participate in the course or, in the case of online courses, lack of active connection with the Participant for reasons attributable to him, does not constitute withdrawal from the Contract. In this case, the customer or participant is obliged to pay the full amount for the course, respectively. is not entitled to a refund of the price for the course.

2. The organizer has the right to change the date or duration of the course if necessary. In addition, he has the right to withdraw from the Contract in special cases (eg illness of an instructor or lecturer, insufficient number of participants, etc.). In this case, the price paid for the course is reimbursed in proportion to the number of courses taken.

3. The organizer reserves the right to change the related details of the course within 3 days before its start. The changes may concern: the location of the course; course start and / or end time; an instructor or lecturer who leads the courses. The changes may not concern: the type and program of the course; number of hours and course prices. Informing the Client / participant about the cited changes in this paragraph cannot be a reason to withdraw from the course.

4. The organizer reserves the right to cancel or interrupt the course during its duration, if there is a danger to health or life of participants caused by the so-called. force majeure. Force majeure is an external event that cannot (or almost cannot) be foreseen, an unavoidable consequence that prevents the fulfillment of contractual obligations that could not have been foreseen at the time before the course started. The provisions of point 2 of this Art. shall apply mutatis mutandis.

5. The Client, who is an entrepreneur, has the right to withdraw from the Contract for the provision of services after receiving a confirmation of receipt of the application for participation in the course and payment of a deposit. In the event of withdrawal from the Contract for the provision of services less than 14 days before the date of commencement of the course, he is not entitled to a refund of the deposit paid. In the event that the advance has not been paid, he is obliged to pay it immediately in this case. The stated deposit will be used to reimburse the costs of the Organizer to ensure the organization of the course.

6. Pursuant to the Consumer Protection Act when selling goods or providing services on the basis of a distance contract or a contract concluded outside the seller’s premises, the Customer, who is a consumer, has the right to withdraw from the contract within 14 days of its conclusion without giving a reason, by submitting a written statement of withdrawal from the contract to the Organizer’s address. In this case, he has the right to a refund of the deposit already paid for the course prices.

7. The subscriber who is a consumer has the right to a refund of the price paid for the course in the event of withdrawal from the Contract for the provision of services, except in cases where the withdrawal from the Contract occurred less than 14 days before the date of commencement of the course.

8. If the start of the course is within 14 days from the conclusion of the Contract, in the event of withdrawal from the Contract, the Participant will receive a refund of the course price reduced by a proportional amount for the courses that have already taken place.

9. Reimbursement of amounts due due to withdrawal from the Contract shall take place no later than within 14 calendar days from the effective date of withdrawal from the Contract.

10. In the case of Participants – consumers, the Organizer will assess the submitted complaints within 30 days from the date of their receipt with a notice of further action. If the organizer does not respond to the complaint submitted by the participant within 30 days from the date of its receipt, it is considered that the complaint was recognized by the Organizer as justified.

11. The Organizer may prevent the Participant from participating in the course without any compensation for the course price in the following cases:

• participation in a course under the influence of alcohol or other narcotic and psychotropic substances,

• recording, filming and photographing courses and materials without the consent of the instructor, lecturer or organizer,

• aggressive or inappropriate behavior towards the instructor, lecturer or other participants,

• any other behavior that endangers the safety, life and health and undisturbed participation in the course of other participants,

• occurrence of medical contraindications preventing direct contact with the instructor or lecturer.

Art. 6


1. In the case of courses organized in the form of several parts (blocks), the Service Agreement shall be deemed to cover the provision of all parts of the course, not just any part thereof.

2. The price of the course organized after is payable in installments:

• deposit of 150 EUR – necessary for seat reservation, due date 5 days from the acceptance of participation, which results in the conclusion of the Contract,

• the remaining amount for the first part of the course (price reduced by the received advance) – payable no later than 14 days before the start of the first part of the course.

3. The full amount for the second and each subsequent part of the course is due no later than 14 days before the date of the second and each subsequent part of the course.

Art. 7


1. The Client / Subscriber agrees to the processing of personal data provided to the Organizer to the extent necessary for the performance of the Contract for the provision of services and the Organizer undertakes to protect the provided personal data under the conditions set out in special regulations – GDPR. The course participant agrees to the processing of his personal data listed in the application on the “Log in” tab. The data is collected and processed exclusively by the Course Organizer. The provision of data is voluntary, but is necessary for the conclusion and performance of the Contract. The Organizer does not disclose the provided personal data belonging to the Client / participants to third parties, unless it is an entity providing services to the Organizer exclusively in connection with the organization and provision of the course and the Organizer undertook to ensure the protection of the provided data.

2. The personal data provided are transferred to: IPOE Ltd Registered in England and Wales, Company No. 12996403, 20-22 Wenlock Road, London N1 7GU, United Kingdom solely in connection with the performance of the Contract and the provision of exchange rate services.

3. All personal data provided by the Client / participant (in particular: name and surname, address, ID number, VAT number, telephone number, e-mail address) are considered highly confidential information and are used only for the purposes of communication between the parties and for the performance of the Contract. . After concluding the Contract, the participant will be informed about the purpose, scope and method of data processing and other rights arising from Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of individuals with regard to personal data processing and on free movement of such data. 95/46 / EC (General Data Protection Regulation) (Official Journal L 119, p. 1) – GDPR Directive.

4. The participant has the right: to request access to his personal data, their correction, deletion, processing restrictions, objections to the processing and transfer of data. The participant has the right to withdraw the consent at any time, without prejudice to the lawfulness of the processing that took place before its withdrawal. The participant was informed that he could lodge a complaint with the Office for Personal Data Protection.

Art. 8


1. The organizer reserves the right to make video-audio recordings of the course.

2. Participation in the course gives consent to the production of video – audio recordings of the course and their commercial use. The organizer is entitled to publish video – audio recordings of the course on its website, Facebook account, accounts on other social networks and as a basis for advertisements published on the Internet or in print media.

Art. 9


1. The participant is financially responsible for damages caused during the course by his own intentional or unintentional fault and is obliged to compensate them to the Organizer no later than 14 days from the occurrence of the damage.

2. The participant is personally liable for all damages caused during the course by his own intentional or unintentional fault, including damage or endangerment of the life and health of another participant and third parties.

3. The organizer undertakes to organize courses with the utmost professional care. The organizer is not responsible for the results of the course and the knowledge and skills that the participant has acquired.

4. The organizer does not agree with the photography and filming of the lecture and the practical part of the course by the course participants, unless the instructor or lecturer of the course decides otherwise.

5. All educational materials provided by the Organizer to the participants are the property of the Organizer and are protected by copyright, subject to paragraph 6.

6. If the Organizer is not the owner of the educational materials provided by the participant, it declares that it will have a legal title to the use of these materials (eg licenses).

Art. 10


1. Courses which take place during a period of epidemic threat in connection with the COVID-19 pandemic situation shall be conducted in accordance with the provisions of these Regulations and in accordance with the generally binding and valid measures of the competent authorities against the spread of COVID-19.

2. The participant is obliged to comply with the hygiene requirements set out in generally applicable regulations and / or guidelines, which were notified to him by the Organizer before the start of the course.

3. The course participant has the right to withdraw from the course due to illness or quarantine. In this case, the provisions of Art. 5 regulations.

4. The Organizer disclaims liability to the participant for sanctions / fines imposed on the participant due to non-compliance with the sanitary regimes defined by generally applicable regulations and / or instructions notified by the Organizer before the start of the course.

Art. 11


1. The organizer reserves the right to unilaterally amend these regulations. Information on changes in regulations and their current wording will always be published on the website https://skolaosteopatie.sk/.

2. Relations not regulated by these regulations are governed by the relevant provisions of the Civil Code and / or the Commercial Code, in the case of consumers by the provisions of the Consumer Protection Act and the Consumer Protection Act when selling goods or providing services under a distance contract. In the case of the international element, the provisions of EU or international law shall apply mutatis mutandis.

3. In the event of a dispute, the Contracting Parties shall give priority to out-of-court settlement agreements. This provision shall not have the effect of terminating the right of a Party to settle its dispute with the other Party through the courts.

4. Any disputes between the Organizer and the customer, which is a consumer and which will not be resolved by an out-of-court settlement, will be resolved by the competent general court in accordance with the provisions of the Civil Procedure Code.

5. Any disputes between the Organizer and a participant who is not a consumer and which will not be resolved by an out-of-court settlement will be resolved by the competent court with local jurisdiction determined according to the registered office of the organizer.

6. These Regulations shall enter into force on 20 February 2021.